Habitual Users Get Addicted to Sobriety through Narconon Program


Released on: July 27, 2009, 3:07 am
Author: Mike Dipalma
Industry: Healthcare

As anyone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol will tell you, it doesn’t take much to get hooked. However, it can take literally everything you have – spiritually, physically and financially – to kick the habit. And even that may not be enough.

When someone recognizes that they have a problem, and they need help, it’s not hard for them to find a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility that is willing to take them in. But questions remain: How much will they help? Will they offer the abuser a chance to kick substance abuse for good? Or is this merely one of the thousands of clinics with a “once an addict, always an addict” attitude –places that get the user to stop using long enough to “feel better,” until they relapse?

That’s one of the things that make a Narconon treatment facility different. Since the 1960s, Narconon has used admittedly unconventional methods to attack, treat and cure drug and alcohol addiction. Thousands of Narconon graduates have defeated their habits and stayed off of drugs and alcohol for the rest of their lives.

“Many drug programs believe in treating drugs with more drugs,” says “Carl,” a recent Narconon graduate, who kicked a five-year heroin habit in the Narconon program. “Narconon doesn’t do drug-for drug-therapy. From the day I arrived, I was off drugs. It was tough at first. But in a few days I began to wonder why I waited so long to get treatment.”

Narconon treatment is different because Narconon’s philosophy is different. For example, at Narconon people are not addicts or patients; they are students. The students are put through a four-phase program that not only treats their physical addictions, but their emotional and educational needs as well.

Phase one, the Sauna-Based, Drug-Free Detox Program, rids the body of drug residuals through a rigorous schedule of dry sauna treatments. Drug residues are left deep in muscle tissues from years of substance abuse. Left to their own devices, these residues are eventually released from the muscle tissue. This causes relapses. By sweating these residues out, they are unable to do their dirty work later.

Phase Two handles the educational side of recovery. Many addicts admit that they never learned how to handle stress. These life skills were virtually missed and replaced by drugs or alcohol. Narconon educational therapies teach students to focus on real life goals. They gain self-control and learn how to face life’s realities – safe and sober.

Phase three continues the students’ education and helps to restore a sense of self-worth. Frequently this means owning up to harmful acts and taking responsibility for past actions.

Phase four is the student’s first year of recovery. Narconon follows the progress of every student with regular contact, staying in touch with both the student and immediate family. Many successful graduates report feeling like they’ve been “reborn” to a new life after receiving treatment at Narconon.

Contact Details: The Narconon program is a non-traditional drug abuse treatment program which was founded in 1967. Drugrehab.net is a Narconon-owned website dedicated to finding every drug and alcohol abuse help, either in their local area or at a Narconon treatment facility. DrugRehab.net can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 866-375-6750.

Corporate Contact:
Mike Dipalma
Mike (at) Drugrehab.net


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